Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Great is Thy faithfulness!

End 2012 was my second trip to Poipet, Cambodia. 
My hand was scalded before I boarded the plane and on the van trip to Poipet, the skin of my wound was torn when my hand rubbed against the seat. 
The risk of infection was great but our God provides everything. 
When we arrived at the hotel, a few doctors and a group of medical students from Singapore were staying at the same hotel as us! 
I always like to share this testimony cos it's such a miracle to me as even for this time round, same as the first time, we don't see any medical team. 
They could have come at other times but to be there at the time when you most needed medical attention, it's awesome! 
Recently someone asked, "You still go when you have a wound?" 
At that moment, I didn't think of that. I was all packed and ready to go. 
I'm glad I went else I wouldn't witness God's provision!
Now I have a not too pretty scar on my hand that looks like a birthmark BUT it's an imprint and a great reminder of God's faithfulness to those who trust in Him. 

Great is Thy faithfulness!

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