Monday, 25 December 2017

Protect baby Jesus, protect our babies!

25th December is NOT the actual date of birth of our Lord Jesus Christ but hey, He was definitely born one day, 2,000 years ago, in a manger that symbolizes the messy world we live in today.
The birth of Jesus in a stable gives us great comfort. That means you and I who are not rich by the world's standards, are deeply understood by God who knows poverty. Poverty that surpasses material things but of the spirit.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5)
This year, I learnt more about Joseph, Jesus' earthly father and His earthly mother Mary. One saved Jesus from being killed by King Herod, another protected Him in her womb.
And so on that outreach to kids aged 6-14 years old, I told some of them, "You must protect the younger kids and those in the womb, ok?"
Our kids learn to protect the environment since young.
It is time, never too late, to teach them to protect their brothers and sisters. May we be found faithful in speaking up for those in oppression, in protecting the most vulnerable members of our society: our children.
Remember Jesus, remember His beloved! 
Go love our family!

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