It started from a seminar.
It became a burden.
I volunteered to be a facilitator in a camp.
My first time volunteering for the unknown.
Started officially this year, I seem to swim and slowly dive into the unknown.
When unknown surrounds me, I court the unknown.
Or simply said, the things I do, I'm naturally not comfortable with doing them but God is behind me, motivating or 'pushing' me to do what is uncomfortable but absolutely necessary for my growth in Him.
I trembled while doing it.
I thank God after He helped me do it!
One thing leads to another. Besides facilitating, I realized that I'm helping out in devotion on the book of Esther as well as lead worship in the morning.
Er, my bible knowledge is......I feel inadequate!
I did my very best to read up on the book of Esther and prayed for downloads.
Though devotion time was very much shortened and I really felt relieved, I know I'm the one who benefited from reading His word.
I benefit the most through serving!
Sing with someone playing the guitar?
I may know a little about playing keyboard but I haven't learnt to pitch nor can I hear myself as to whether I sing out of tune or not.
True enough, the poor guitarist had a hard time with me.
He was very nice and patient but I felt so bad that he had to pair up with me.
Me untrained, only know how to sing acapella, just sang off-key, different keys at different part of the song.
I prayed throughout, "God, I can't do it. You take over."
Think I had His reassuring reply in me, "Just sing from your heart."
So there I was, standing/sitting in front, 'unseen' by people at the back, sang from my heart to my Lord, disregarding how 'unprofessional' I sounded with music.
My skills do not qualify me to be in the worship team.
I did go for an audition few years back, knowing that I have the heart to worship, longing for people to polish me in this area.
Didn't pass the audition, was rather discouraged.
Then as the years passed by, I realized that perhaps I may not be skilled in music but my heart to worship did not and prayerfully will not change forever.
God sees the heart.
Would I pursue this area?
Honestly speaking, I love singing acapella.
That's when I can totally focus on the lyrics that praise and worship our Lord.
Music has a role.
So does worship that is not accompanied with music.
Guess it's personal preference.
What is crucial is this heart of worship.
Does my Lord care more about how well I sing compared to whether I sing from my heart to Him?
Sing, sing, sing.
Just sing.
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