Wednesday, 18 January 2017

17/365 The truth that our national newspaper will not publish

Examples of the truth that our national newspaper will not publish:
-Transgenderism is delusion. Even when our under-21s self-medicate with hormonal medicine bought online, the conscience of editors is not pricked. Even when it is common sense that biological sex cannot be altered, people who are desperate, broken and confused do not get to read the truth on mainstream media. And so the deception deepens and more lives are destroyed...
-The consequences of premarital sex, divorce, single parenthood etc on health, children, family and society. These issues are recognised as a trend but the focus is not on the victims or the repercussions on our nation.
-Abortion is always portrayed as an option but the media will not tell you that the unborn are robbed of their lives and the women suffer from post-abortion trauma. Abortion is murder but they will not tell you.
I thank God for alternative news. For social media. Because we must tell the truth in love.
Will publish an unpublished truth in a few days' time to prove my point.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5)

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