Friday, 27 January 2017

When facts become debatable

Facts become debatable when they interfere with what we want.
Eg : the issue of when life begins.
Baby comes at an inconvenient time, sorry, life begins only after 9 months.
'Pro-life'. But if they are rape or incest victims, baby should die because the mother cannot take the social stigma. Shouldn't we enhance public education instead of choosing abortion?
Encourage the mother to keep the baby is committing murder of the mother. So intentionally killing a child under any circumstance is not?
Where is personal responsibility?
Oh abortion is not murder since when life begins is debatable.
A sperm is not a human being. Only when an egg is fertilized by a sperm will another human person be formed. So a sperm is a cell, like the egg. You can't compare a sperm to a baby! Sperm cells die every day but a baby is like you and me!
Conclusion : Facts become debatable when they interfere with what we want.

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