Thursday, 19 January 2017

The TRUTH that you will not get to read on mainstream media

This letter was sent to The Straits Times Forum but was not published.

There are two sexes: male and female. No amount of hormones or cosmetic surgery can effect a biological change of sex. Feelings, no matter how strong, cannot change this fact ("Under-21s go online to buy hormone pills"; 16 Jan).

Adolescence is a time of rapid physical changes and strong sexual urges. Gender confusion may occur during the "identity crisis" stage. Adolescents and young adults may have an unstable self-image, poor self-esteem and an ill-defined sense of self. 

Personality, coupled with environmental factors can cause the delusion that being the opposite sex is preferable to assigned sex at birth. There are no lab tests or medical findings that can even prove the existence of transgenderism.

It is worrying that these youths self-medicate, disregarding their health. How can parents let minors make irreversible changes to their bodies based on feelings not substantiated with facts? 

Desperate patients seek psychological and medical services for alternative help, not affirmation for their confusion. Does a person with depression seek help to be more depressed? 

Let us not spread transgenderism as the "contagion of mass delusion". Every person is precious, way above his struggles. He deserves to be told the truth in love.

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